Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Treasures from this week

What a treasure this week has been! The unexpected little surprises are the best! I am so thankful...

... for a simple card, made with sweet four year old hands and a heart full of love. Thank you Tyler! It’s wonderful and makes me happy, just like you.

... for the beautiful new microwave and oven that you bought and worked so hard to install in my kitchen, thank you honey! And thank you for agreeing to take me out to dinner to celebrate the new oven. You're fun.

... for the completely unexpected message on Facebook. Thank you J, my sweet brother! I am so, so glad you are back in my life again.

... for the fun voice message from my daughter and son-in-law who remembered a moment over a year ago when I got excited over a silly little kitchen gadget they have. Okay, it's just a meat tenderizer but it's very cool. Anyway, they were so thrilled to call to tell me they found one just like it and bought it for me. Thank you L & B!

... for that special house that my other daughter and son-in-law found that happens to be in their favorite neighborhood and, if You will it, will soon be their home, thank you God.

... for filling my life with so much joy, I could just burst! For blessings too numerous to count, for special people, for much needed rain, for air conditioning, for goose bump moments singing praises during worship and for hugs from grandchildren. But mostly, for forgiveness and unconditional love, thank you Jesus. A love so unexpected, undeserving, so appreciated. I am blessed.

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